The preseason is finished. We had a tournament this weekend at home to finish out the "friendly games". We are very excited to start the regular season play as we have come a long ways together as a team after coming together 6 weeks ago. We had a little time off these last couple days so I decided to get out of the city and visit a couple different cities. My first stop was Milan. It was 'fashion week' here in Milan so there were a lot of people there for the fashion shows and other events. The Duomo di Milano was a pretty spectacular site. T
his is the first large cathedral I have visited here in Italy and I was impressed. As you can see from the picture above it is quite the piece of artwork. I was stunned by the detail of the cathedral, down to the smallest pieces of sculpture. It was incredible. Milan is obviously known for its fashion and there were many designer stores there like D&G, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, and many more. I decided to go into the stores to see what I could find, but after picking up a pair of sunglasses I liked and reading the price tag that read 385.00 Euro, I decided I would just stick to the streets. I knew I wasn't going to find anything to my liking as I am not really into that sort of thing, but it was interesting going there anyway. It all was very interesting but my legs were getting tired from walking around, so I decided to head out to my next city. I went to Lake Como for a little bit just to look at the views there. I have already posted some pictures of the lake in previous blogs. After sitting down and enjoying the view for a while I decided to take off back home. I guess I should mention too that drivers here in Italy are CRAZY. I seriously was nervous for my life many times as cars fly past in both directions missing me by inches. I believe the lines on the roads (when there are any) are more like guidelines than actual rules for driving. Well, I am going to enjoy the rest of my day off before practice picks up again tomorrow.

Talk to you soon!
Brett, so glad you decided to do this Blog. It is great and your commentary is also great. Nice that you can get out and see a little of the sites while you are there. I have always wanted to see one of those cathedrals. They look massive. A friend of ours many years ago toured Europe and had a lot of pictures inside and out of many cathedrals and castles. Georgeous. Have a great season!