Friday, December 31, 2010

More About Our City

We had a little time off over Christmas so Teri and I were able to see more of the city. I thought I would post a few pictures so you all could see a little bit of what the daily life looks like around here.

This first picture below is taken from the edge of the mountains which surround Belo Horizonte. It is overlooking the part of the city where we live, but it doesn't even come close to showing how large our city actually is. This is just a small part of it. To put it into perspective, the metro area here has more people than the entire state of MN.

These next few photos are just simple shots taken around our home. It gives you a feel of what the climate is like in December here. The photo of Teri in a park is taken a block from our apartment. We enjoy going here often since it is so close and it is a nice place for a casual walk. One of my favorite pictures is the one of Teri looking very nervous standing next to a few wild monkeys. These small primates are not shy...Teri had a sandwich, and it is hard to tell in the picture, but a couple of them were definitely eyeing it and were getting ready to pounce. The last picture is a scenic view of our city at night, but I can't take credit for that photo...I found it in a Google Images search. I just thought it was too nice of a pic to pass up.

I hope you liked the pics. I will likely add more in the future when we have them.
We wish you all a safe New Years! Look back on 2010 and appreciate the people and experiences you had!! God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. take care, all the best for New Year, god bless you and wish u back to Anwil, you're good player
